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Thursday, September 29, 2011
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Miss Tanzania wa kwanza Mwaka 1967
Monday, September 19, 2011
Ukistaajabu ya Mussa...
And my boxers were nowhere in sight. I told her that I will explain latter?
What should I tell her I wish it was a new panty I would have said I had bought it for her and I was just testing it but was an old one with 2 holes in the middle. And it was pink with laces and flowers in front. The worse thing is that my wife does not like lacy and floral panties. I beg you auntie what should I do? on the other side my girlfriend is breathing fire she wants her panty because the husband wants to see it. Please give me ideas there is war at home!!!!!!
Dolly Replies
Tell your wife that you have been possessed by a spirit which makes you Wear women's underwear and that this has been going on for a long while hence the old panty with two holes. Return the panty to your small house and tell her to tell her husband that the rats had taken it and she found it under the bed while spring cleaning. She should also angrily tell her husband to do something about the rats as too many of her belonging have fallen victim to the rats. This should solve your problem.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Kisa na Mkasa, Bongo Darisalama...
Kumekuwapo na tetesi kuwa mmoja wa walimu hao amekuwa akijihusisha/mahusiano ya kimapenzi na wateja wa kike mara kwa mara na tofauti muda tu wanapojiunga na kituo hicho, kwa kuwa wengi ya wateja wajao hapa wametokea/wapo safi kiuchumi hii imemfanya mwalimu huyu kuchukulia mahusiano haya km kitega uchumi, amekuwa akitembea na wake wa watu na kutumia vitu vyao km vile magari pasipo aibu wala uwoga wowote!
Kama waswahili wasemavyo siku ya mwizi ni arobaini, kumbuka hakuna siri ktk mapenzi, waswahili wamemfikishia bwana juu ya matendo ya mkewe na huyo mwalimu wa mazoezi, wamempa ratiba na mchakato mzima ile mwanzo mwisho, mke kama kawaida kaaga anaenda zoezi, mume pasipo onyesha mshituko wala wasiwasi kamkubalia, kaenda gym. Mke katangulia, baada ya muda bwana kamfuata kwa nyuma, kafika gym hamwoni pale pa siku zote, kwa kuwa si mgeni kaingia vyumba vya ndani vya kuchangea nguo napo kamkosa, kaamua kwenda bafuni, kahamaki kumkuta mke na mwalimu wa mazoezi wakifanya mambo, bwana kumbuka kajiandaa vya kutosha, kakasirika kawatoa nje km walivyo zaliwa, kawapakia kwenye gari kawapeleka kituoni.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Wazazi na watoto wa siku hizi... Jamani tubadilike ili kujenga jamii bora na yenye maadili!
Friday, September 2, 2011
In Loving memory... 17 years!
Alfred S. S. Mosha (Kipoo)
3rd March 1944 – 2nd September 1994
Time flies, days go by… it’s like you were here only yesterday. But the yesterdays have piled up, its now seventeen years (17) since you left us to be with The Lord in his beautiful garden.
Though you are gone, through prayers we have great hope. Your legacy will always remain with us in the memories we hold. And in the hope we trust, With God’s Grace we continue to overcome the Myriad of events and emotions.
You were the teacher, the mentor, the role model… may the Peace of God that passes all understanding be with you and with us. The youngest child you left was in standard three but today he has graduated and working as a banker.
Dearly missed by your wife Julie, Children Inno, David (Bob), Albert (Solo), Anna (Roselyn), Doreen and all others in the family and friends.
A memorial service will be held at Ubungo riverside, Boko, and Marangu-Masia on 4th September 2011. All friends, relatives and the general public are welcomed to attend.
Psalms 23: The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quite waters, he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right path for his name’s sake… Amen.