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Thursday, July 29, 2010

There are three (3) types of women according to men's perspective.


* She stays home and takes care of kids and household chores.
* She is always good in bed because she is never tired.
* Will always cook a good meal (NO NANDOS, Steers, etc)


* You will never know what she does when you are at work.
* She behaves like your mother when you come home late.
*When ever there?s a misunderstanding, she is quick to say you

are using her (..but its quite the opposite ( confusion at its best!!! )
* She bitches when you watch TV too long.
* You can't play your music loud.


* She does not need your money
* She can lend you her car (latest model BMW/Volvo), u can boast to your friends that u have a connected Cherrie!! Pssst!!!
*You can even date other women with her car!!!
* She has a credit card and petrol coupon for u when u r down and out.

She is generally BAD IN BED. Its either she is too tired or doesn't
just feel like it and u dont have to wonder why we keep more than one of those at a time!!!.)
*You'll have take-away for dinner 6 times a week (AT LEAST!!)
* She thinks she owns you; more than your mother does sometimes.
* She hates your friends; u can't even go to the stadium once a month.
* She always tells you to get a better job, car, house etc. (the list
* You won't have a life with this one. They have no respect; they will insult you / your mother in English and French....

3. GOLD DIGGERS (Poly Students, College girls, Campus chicks, High School students etc etc - generally referred to as Weekend Accessories)

VERY VERY GOOD IN BED (Holy Benjamin - Lord have mercy!!!wow!).

* She makes sure she leaves you penniless. (Airtime, lunch, hair do, cosmetics, etc!!!) And then spends the money on her "real boyfriend"
* She tells you she is on a pill, but she is pregnant within 3 months of the relationship.
*When ever there?s a misunderstanding, she is quick to say you are using her (..but its quite the opposite ( confusion at its best!!! )
* She sues for maintenance costs, especially if you are prominent and takes the story to the Sani, Ijumaa, Kasheshe ....
* She is sexy isn't she..& that makes many men want them!!??!! DAMN!!!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Ni Robo Tu Ya Wanaume Wa Dar Wenye Mbegu Zenye Rutuba

IMEFAHAMIKA, kuwa idadi ya wanaume wa Kitanzania wenye mbegu za uzazi
zisizorutubisha hivyo kutoweza kurutubisha yai la mwanamke na kusababisha mimba inaongezeka. Kwa mujibu wa gazeti la ‘ The Citizen’ toleo la Jumamosi ( Leo), Julai 17,2010 zaidi ya asilimia 35 ya wanaume wanaofanya vipimo vya rutuba za mbegu za uzazi wamegundulika kuwa hawana.

Mara nyingi lawama za kukosa mtoto katika familia zimekuwa zikielekezwa kwa
mwanammke kutokana na wanaume wengi kutokuwa na ujasiri wa kujitokeza kupima rutuba zao. Mazingira ya kazi, Mtindo wa maisha na hata hata kukaa kwa muda mrefu kwenye chumba chenye mvuke ni baadhi ya sababu zinazochangia wanaume kupungikwa rutuba za mbegu za uzazi.

Katika jiji la Dar es Salaam pekee, inaaminika kuwa ni asilimia 24.9 tu ya
wanaume wa Dar es Salaam walio na mbegu za uzazi zenye rutuba, hivyo, wenye
uwezo wa kurutubisha yai la mwanamke na hivyo basi, mimba kutokea.
Utafiti huo umefanywa na Idara ya Jinikolojia ya Hospitali ya Taifa Ya